Preparation and assessment

All applications received by the Knowledge Foundation are assessed and reviewed in several stages. The process may differ across our different programmes. The programme-specific processes will be provided in the call for proposals for the respective programme. 

The assessment process

1. Formal requirements

The secretariat of the Foundation reviews if the applications comply with the formal requirements. If the application does not fulfil these requirements, the CEO of the Foundation may decide to reject the application on formal grounds.  Applications that do fulfil the formal requirements proceeds to a programme-specific assessment process. 

2. International peer reviewers

In our research programmes, the scientific or artistic quality of applications is reviewed by international experts (peer-review). This also applies to applications within the Företagsforskarskolor programme. Depending on the programme, we engage two or three peer reviewers per application, each with high-level expertise in the specific subject area of the project. The peers make individual assessments based on the Knowledge Foundation’s guidelines, and their statements serve as valuable input for the external review panels.

3. External assessment panel

The overall assessment and prioritisation of applications are conducted by specially appointed external assessment panels. The panels comprise people from academia and business sector and other relevant actors when appropriate. The panels are appointed with the aim of achieving a well-balanced mix of experience and expertise necessary for conducting qualified assessments of the applications. Each programme has its own review panel, and the panel is steered by an appointed chairman. 

Individual assessment 

The assessment panels are assigned applications to read and assess. Each application is reviewed by at least four members and the chairperson. Each assessor makes a written, individual assessment for each assigned application, incorporating feedback from expert reviewers where applicable. The assessments are based on the overarching main criteria and associated programme-specific assessment questions.  For each main criterion, the reviewers provide a written motivation and a score between 1 and 4. The individual assessments are considered as working documents in the subsequent joint assessment meeting. 


In some of the programmes (Expertkompetens, Forskningsprofiler, Företagsforskarskolor och Synergi), we conduct digital hearings in connection with the meeting of the assessment panel. The call for proposals for the respective programme will state whether a hearing is part of the assessment process. The purpose of the hearing is to give the assessment panel an opportunity to ask supplementary questions about ambiguities in the application. The outcome of the hearing is included in the basis for the overall assessment. 

Overall assessment and ranking of applications 

An overall assessment of the applications within a programme is made by the assessors at a joint meeting, where each application is discussed. Based on how well the applications meet the assessment criteria, the review panel formulates a final recommendation on which applications should be approved or rejected. For each application, the review panel provides a consolidated statement, regardless of whether the application is recommended for approval or rejection. This statement is shared with the applicant when the decision is communicated.

4. Decision 

Based on the assessment panel’s recommendation and ranking list, decisions on project financing are made by the foundation’s CEO or board, depending on the programme. The Foundation’s long-term ambition is to be a persistent financier, and the board therefore sets an annual cap on total project funding. The number of projects granted therefore depends on the foundation’s financial capacity for project financing.  Funding decisions cannot be appealed, but applicants are welcome to submit a revised application.  Specific information about the decision-making process can be found in the call of respective programme. The decision is shared in the application system SBS Manager and the applicant is also notified of the decision via e-mail. 

5. Agreement 

Once a project has been granted, an agreement is drawn up between the Knowledge Foundation and the main applicant university.  The agreement is digitally signed by the CEO of the Foundation as well as the project manager, project owner and principal in the application system SBS Manager. 

Assessment criteria 

All applications received by the Knowledge Foundation are assessed based on four main overarching criteria: 

  • Strong research and educational environment 
  • Scientific/artistic quality 
  • Benefits for business partners 
  • Implementation 

All criteria are operationalised in several programme-specific assessment criteria that are stated in the respective call for proposals.  For an application to be recommended for approval, a sufficient level must be achieved within all four criteria. No assessment criterion is more important than the others.