Category: Business sector involvement and co-production

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    What does co-production mean?

    Co-production forms the basis of Knowledge Foundation’s operation and is an inherent element in the projects and the research and educational environments that we fund. Co-production means that the projects we fund must be designed and implemented in close collaboration between academia and the business sector, usually with co-funding from...

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    What is our definition of the business sector?

    By business sector, the Knowledge Foundation refers primarily to the private business sector. The concept, however, may include companies under public ownership that are active in competitive markets and where the company finances its operations in the same manner as companies in the private business sector. Hence, public subsidies or...

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    Is co-funding from the business sector required in all programmes?

    As a rule, the value of the involvement of the business sector – in the form of competence, equipment and so on – must be at least equivalent to the amount contributed by the Knowledge Foundation (excluding overheads). Some of our programmes does not require co-funding from the business sector....