129 Applications Submitted – Decisions This Spring

The application periods for the Knowledge Foundation’s annual programme calls are now closed – and interest has been high. In total, 129 applications have been submitted for funding in research and higher education.

As in previous years, the highest number of applications has been submitted to the Hög programme, which provides funding for research projects of up to four years. At the same time, other programmes have seen increased interest, including the education programme Avans and the research programmes Synergi and Forskningsprofiler.

" It is encouraging to see an increased number of applications for several programmes, including Forskningsprofiler, which is a powerful programme format. This reflects that more research environments at our target universities have come a long way in their coproduction efforts, and that industry is actively engaged.
Linda Assbring
Head of Programme and Analysis

Of the 22 higher education institutions in the Knowledge Foundation’s target group, 17 have submitted at least one application. Karlstad University submitted the highest number of applications (22), followed by Mälardalen University and Örebro University (both 16).

Funding Decicions

During the spring, funding decisions will be made for all our ordinary programmes. The timing varies by programme, with the earliest decisions in March and the latest in May. Below, you can find the expected decision month for each programme.

  • Avans: March
  • Expertkompetens: May
  • Forskningsprofiler: May
  • Företagsforskarskolor: May
  • Hög: April
  • Prospekt: March
  • Rekryteringar: March
  • Synergi: May

The Assessment Process

Each year, around 250 researchers, industry representatives, and other experts are involved in reviewing applications submitted to the Knowledge Foundation. For an application to be recommended for granting, a sufficient level must be achieved within all of the Knowledge Foundation’s four assessment criteria.

Calls for Proposals 2025

In September, our programme calls for 2025 will open. We will provide more information about the upcoming calls during the spring.